Thursday, September 08, 2005

The Title Wave

There comes a point in everyone's life that they want something better. They wish to have things easier and overall more enjoyable. I think I have reached point one of that venture.

After being a "very important" pizza delivery driver for over 9 months now, I have decided to throw in the towel. Excellent money can be made in pizza delivery; unfortunately, when you have and older car like I do, a lot of wonderful repairs come to. I have put over 36,000 miles on my car since November of 2004 when I bought the car. The national average for yearly miles is 12,000 to 15,000 miles. I put over three times the average already and I still have two months to go till I have had the car a year. Driving even a brand new car that much will definitely start to get costly with even regular maintence; not to mention $3.00 + a gallon for gas. (Gas is suspected to be around $8.00 a gallon by Christmas time of this year. That's pretty funny since they said it would be $3.00 a gallon by summertime, and here summer is pretty much over and just finally hit $3.00. God forbid anyone would make such a mistake to say that gas would be one price and it not hit that goal. They have us over a pun intended. But yet I digress.) So it's time to find a new job.

After countless job posting on many different web sites, I finally found the right kind of job for me. Homeless man. The reason being is that it is easier to do nothing than anything at all. Or so I have been told. I applied for several customer service oriented jobs and some entry level or intern IT related jobs. I know worse comes to worse that McDonald's is always hiring. After several interviews so far, I am certain that I will find something better than McDonald's.

Next Story: The Invisible Visible Woman


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