Thursday, February 16, 2006

Past, Present, or Future?

Is it a surprise to any one else the facts that you have memories of the past, but yet you have no memories of the future? Our subconscious mind which holds all of our memories has no sense of time. Time is a "man-made" measuring device. Through history it has changed in many different ways, from cycles, to seasons, to months, days, hours, minutes, etc. However, our subconscious mine does not have a magical time stamp. The only way that you can recall memories and place them in a time period is based on things that happened during that "period", or when you have memories that include a birthday, holiday, or some other "time based" experience.

If we can have such memories of the "past" then why do we not know or recall such memories of the future? Why do we not have memories of the present either? Considering there is no difference between past, present, or future. When you started reading this, this part of the article was in the future, but yet now it is in the present and before you finish reading this very word it will already be in the past.

Scientist have been able to prove now that we either currently see the future or we are already living the past. Based on experiments and other research findings they have determined that when we "see something" that event has either already taken place or has not taken place yet. An example of such an experiment where they came to this conclusion was a light experience. They would project a small light on area of a wall that was only a few feet away from the sitting participant. They flashed the light (it was roughly the size of a laser pointer dot) then four degrees to the right of it, and vice-versa, they would flash it again. The light that flashed changed in less then half a second. The brain, which is where you actually see things in the visual cortex, proceeded to think that the dot moved across the wall. However it did not move, just disappeared and reappeared.

They thought this was a little interesting. They decided to try with different colors to see what would happen. They first would flash the red one, and at the same time interval and separation they would flash the green one four degrees to the right of the first dot. It was an amazing discovery that the light not only appeared to move again, but changed color in the middle of its movement. How could the light change color before they even saw it? Two conclusions were drawn from this experiment. We are "living in the past" and the lights change and then we actually see them, seconds later. This would mean, again, that things occur and then we see them. The other conclusion was that we actually see what happens before it happens, or we "seeing the future".

Another example is if you were driving down a dark road and all of a sudden there was an animal in the road in front of you and you saw your headlight's light reflecting off their eyes, so you slammed on the brakes or swerved or whatever your normal reaction would be. Mathematically speaking, it takes half a second or more for the light to reflect off the animals eyes and then to your eyes for your brain to "see" the animal. Half-a-second or more? That is longer then it takes for a major league pitcher to throw a ball at 90 miles per hour across home plate, but yet the average baseball player's batting average is between twenty percent to upwards of forty percent or more for the best of the best.

How can this be or what relevance does this have to me? Well, since you asked. There is no such thing as future or we all see the future before it happens. Is that not amazing? Either we are "delayed" in responses so much that anything we see has already happened. Or we see things before they happen. Just imagine if you were able to mature these skills, make them stronger. You might be able to see into the "future" or you might be able to slow down everything and just observe the world since everything has already happened anyways.

The scientist in this study, which has been reproduced hundreds of times in various universities across the globe, is leaning towards the fact we probably perceive the future. If it was the case that things already happen and then we see them, essentially, there would a greater number of injuries, car accidents, deaths, et al. in the world, ten fold to what it is now. Keep that in mind next time you wonder why something is happening. Either it already happened so let the past be the past; or you have a hundredths of a second to change what is about to happen.

Next Topic: The Basics

Side Post of a Life Time

When was the last time you sat and actually looked at the beauty of the world around you? I am not trying to be cheesy, but a hundred percent honest. The world around us, each and every one of us, is amazing. It is a world that is filled with amazing things. Things that we can try to describe in words and expressions. Whether it is poems, songs, letters, books, stories, et al. we can never actually do just the actual peace and harmony the world has.

This is a world we created. Whether you believe in God, Moses, a higher power, something completely different, or nothing at all, you can relate. Take the time and look. Don't think, but look. Not with your eyes that only create things from memory of things that we have seen before. But with your mind or your heart; whichever you are more comfortable looking with.

Maybe your world looks different then mine. Perhaps, we all share the same concept of the world. But if you over look the anti-civilization creations we hear about and see everyday; such as war, disease, fights, anger, depression, and many others; you can see the greatness of the world as you know it. You created this world as much as I created mine.

Our brains create this reality through memories; things that we were taught when we were younger; through assumptions and associations; and through what we want out of the world. What you have in life is what you have. What you want in life is what you want. But have you ever tried to be content? Even just for a few minutes and just look. Better yet, just feel. Feel the ground beneath your feet, the shirt on your back, the pants on your legs, and everything around you. These are all sensations and feelings that we create in our brains and portray it through our bodies. But I don't want to get into too much technical, scientific stuff right now.

Even if you didn't care for anything else I had said so far. Do me one thing. Since you were kind enough to take the time and read this. Please take 15 minutes at least and just feel the world. Look around you, better yet close your eyes and play some relaxing music. Then sit. Sit and say nothing and think nothing, except how lucky you are to be where you are in your life. No matter how good or bad it might be. Just think positively and think about where you are going to be or you want to be. Even still, try to think of some place wonderful to you, a place to call your own that is relaxing only to you, perhaps.

If you take the time to sit and feel or look at the world, perhaps you will see what I see. Maybe you will feel the way I do even if it just for a brief minute or two till you resume your normal routine of life. Just enjoy it. Enjoy life.

Next Post: Past, Present, and Future

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Personal Updates

First off, a really good friend has "turned me on" to a band that has some really good songs. The bands name is The Spill Canvas. Although some of their songs might be considered "sad", I feel that a lot of them can be considered inspiring as well. Be sure to check them out, it will be worth the 99 cents or what ever it costs to "legally" download songs.

Also, this same "good friend" of mine, that "turned me on" to the previous mentioned band, and I have been hanging out a lot more frequently lately. Although I am not 100% sure of how things are going or her thoughts on the situation, I have really enjoyed spending the time with her. She is a good friend and we, or maybe just I, always have an excellent time when we are together. (Even though we didn't get to watch the whole movie she wanted to watch; but as I always say, "You'll have that sometimes.")

I currently am employed as a "customer service representative for a finical institution". That is my title for my safety, apparently. The job is relatively easy and actually each day offers me plenty of time to read or do other things I want to. This is a plus of course, but a downfall since I don't feel really productive at work

I am getting ready to purchase a "newer" car here within the next couple of weeks. Cross your fingers for me that I don't get a lemon. Which would be nice to be able to not rely on people to take you places when it is conveient for them. I also don't like riding in cars, I prefer to drive.

I recently have taken both a standard IQ test and an Emotional Intelligence test. Although I scored relatively high in both it makes me ponder some new thoughts. First off, since the late 1980's they have decided to that a high IQ is not necessarily as great as they thought. Many businesses look for high scores in Emotional Intelligence tests due to the matter of what a high score means. Emotional Intelligence is defined as the inner capacities that let us create optimal relationships with ourselves and others. The skills include using thoughts, feelings, and actions to build self-knowledge, self-management, and self-direction.

In layman's terms, emotional intelligence is being able to know why you are feeling emotions and to "control" or "override" them in a productive matter. This being said, I have pondered the thought of how easy it must be to be "ignorant". Don't get me wrong, I am happy to have scored so highly and be considered "high leveled" in terms of emotional intelligence. Also there is a difference between ignorance and stupidity.

Perhaps it is a "generalization" of my "disappointment" to mankind in general, but with as many "ignorant" people as there are in this world the average person could use more knowledge. I do not hate anyone or think that everyone is "stupid". I do think that there are a lot of people who are "ignorant" in this world. The difference between "ignorance" and "stupidity" is "stupid" is not knowing or a lack of knowledge. However, "ignorance" is not only "not knowing", but it is also a lack of care to even want to know.

This has brought me to wonder how easy it must be to be "ignorant". It also almost wants me to be able to go back to the point in my life when I was "naive" and "innocent" to the world. A time when I could only see the "good" or the "that's just the way it is" things of the world. It must be such a "carefree" life where things happen and all you think about is the fact it "must have meant to be this way". I can not do that. I will not allow myself to believe that. Although I do think that there is a reason for everything, I think it deals more with the choices "consciously" or "subconsciously" that we make. We effect or affect our own lives more than anyone will ever take credit for.

Perhaps there has to be a certain number of people who are "ignorant" and a certain number of people who are "intelligent". It allows a balance in "the machine" we call the universe. Without intelligence no one would be ignorant, and vice-versa. Just like the saying goes, "expect the unexpected". But doesn't expecting the unexpected make the unexpected expected?

"I think. I think I am. Therefore, I am, I think?" - The Moody Blues

Next Topic: Past, Present, or Future

The Truth Is Out There

"They are dead. You can't fix anything. I can't fix it. Lives and things are different and I am not a god. Their life has ended, and they are never coming back. I know they were just here. I can't bring them back, but I can help you make a grave for them. Everything that lives has to die. That is the nature of the world. When their body returns to the soil, flowers will be nourished and bloom. A soul impacts other souls and lives on in other hearts. Everything in this world flows, circulates. That goes for human lives as well. Even for someone like me who has come to know so much of the subject; it is difficult to make a child understand the actual nature of death."

This is yet another aspect of life that is not only hard to explain to children, but adults too. We have a tendency to be scared of things we do not know and of change. That is what death is. It is a change and an unknown experience that we can not say we have been through.

It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power. Perhaps that is why "tradition" keeps the majority of people believing in religion as a way to "cope" with death. How can you be scared of death if when you die you go to a "utopia"? It sure would be easier to believe this and "follow tradition" then to think otherwise.

It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people. This is why you must discover what you feel to be true. Develop your beliefs and your viewpoints that you want in life.

Let talk about beliefs for a second. The whole idea of belief bears a residue of doubt. Knowing, on the other hand, leaves no trace of skepticism. The act of knowing means total certainty. Complete conviction. Yet, there are something’s that we can not prove without a doubt one way or another to be true or false. Keep this in mind when you have developed your own views and beliefs, and when you are analyzing others views and beliefs.

I want to end this post with a short description of what I feel is "detrimental" to our society.

Is there really hope in any society that defines sanity as: heart attacks, panic attacks, ozone cracks, homicide, genocide, suicide, airline crashes, stock market crashes, ethnic clashes, high school shootings, religious feuding, recession, depression, therapy sessions, family welfare, chemical warfare, claustrophobia, xenophobia, unemployment, missile deployments, persecution, executions, political payoffs, massive layoffs, tabloids, steroids, illness, loneliness, earthquakes, poisoned lakes, disease, drug addiction, and death.

Next Topic: Personal Updates