Tuesday, August 30, 2005


I never thought that it be true that people do get butterflies in there stomachs. Till it happened to me.

I have been in plays, musicals, choir, sang solos, and given speeches. I walk through public being loud and annoying and having occasional "light saber" battles. I have never once been nervous or embarassed. I have had several serious relationships, but yet again...never been nervous or attacked by "butterflies". What is wrong with me?

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Where's Bob?

Where's Bob?

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Dah...Where you calling my name?

Too Many David's???

Ok...in the process of trying to get my blog going, I came to the conclusion that there are too many people with the name David. I am going to approach my Senator with a Bill that would make it illegal to name anyone else David. I think this would allow for a lot less confussion in public, on the news, and in my life (most importantly of course.) Unfortunately, I do not think that they would take me seriously or even try to go forward with the idea.

Have you ever been in the grocery store and some one is yelling YOUR name? And they aren't yelling for you? This happens to me at least 5 times a week. Why are there so many people with the name David? I know it is a good name because it's me and look at me...I'm perfect...j/k.

You might be asking why would I start a blog? Am I copying my friend Bob? Or am I just trying to prove to Bob I am better than him ;) ? The world may never know.

-- David "The Only Important David"