Monday, January 30, 2006

Side Post -- Flash Back

I wrote this song in roughly the 10th grade which would have been in 2000 to 2001. I am not sure 100% of when I wrote it, but as I was cleaning my room I came across it with some other papers I had from that time frame.

The following has not been edited from its original format except to be put on the web. I think you can tell a lot about the sort of music that was “influencing” me at that time. The good old 1980’s had a lot of influence on my “song styles” during high school. But to not keep the audience further waiting, here it is.

Song of True Love
By: David McClain
Copyright 2000 to Present

It started back in third grade,
When I bumped into you
We didn’t know what to do.
I looked into your eyes,
And you looked into mine.
That’s when we knew,
It was…

True love,
Happens at first sight
True love,
Happens day or night
True love,
Only you and me can make it right.
True love,
Happens day or night
True love,
Only you and me can make it right.

As the years passed by,
When I bumped into you
We knew just what to do
I looked into your eyes
And you looked into mine
That’s when we knew
It was…

Repeat Chorus

And as we walked down the isle,
I lifted up the veil
I looked into your eyes
And you looked into my eyes
That’s when we realized

Repeat Chorus 2 times

What memories? As I was typing the song up, I could start to “hear” the tune I had made to go with the song. It is funny looking back at the song too, because chances are I had a crush on someone or was in one of my “emo” moods that I had often back then. But a lot has changed.

Next Topic: The Truth Is Out There

Friday, January 27, 2006

My Questions To You

Can you change your life? Are you in control of your life? Well, guess what? You are. No one else is, but you. We all have “choices” we can make that control, effect, or affect our lives. Even in situations where you feel you have no choices, you still have choices and options.

The control that we have in our own lives we can not even comprehend. It has been said for a long time that, “It is not what we do to our bodies, but it is what we do to our minds.” There is even more proof of it today in new research and new discoveries that has proven this in more ways then ever before. The control we have over our own lives or our own “realities” is remarkable.

When someone is able to fully overcome their own paradigms and “mature” into one where they have complete control and understanding of their control, the results are awesome.

There is fine line between too much logical thinking and emotional thinking. If you solely base everything you do off either one of those, you will inadvertently make mistakes in life. Mistakes that might lead to “heart breaks”, despair, depression, and many other gloomy feelings or experiences could occur.

When you are able to overcome such feelings or thoughts you take control of your life to levels that most people only dream of. This is referred to as emotional intelligence Wikipedia’s Encyclopedia best defines emotional intelligence as an indication of a kind of intelligence or skill that involves the ability to perceive, assess and positively influence one's own and other people's emotions. The ability to manage one’s emotions in a healthy and productive manner, one of the best things a person could ever do.

The “control” and “reality” that you want are out there. They are only as far as a thought; a “strong mindset”, or a quantum leap. Being able to overcome your own “preprogrammed” paradigms in a productive manner is in your reach. Do you want it bad enough? If you answered yes, then you don’t. You already have it. You must take control.

“It isn’t about being in the know. It is about being in the mystery.” – Dr. Fred Alan Wolf PhD.

Next Topic: The Truth Is Out There

Thursday, January 12, 2006

The Real Reality

I write all these blogs, all these stories, and all of these “personal views” for a reason. The reason is simple. I like to write. That is only the “tip of the iceberg”. I write for other reasons too. I want to inspire and encourage others. There are things I have discovered in my life that I believe to be true, I can prove, or others can also prove theses things to be “real” and true. Does it really matter? Does anyone read what I write and take it to “heart”, so to speak?

What about you? There is a reason you reading this right now. Why is that? What made you decide to “trust” anything I have said? Do I inspire you? Are you wondering what I am going to do next, whether it will be some new “crazy, far-out-there” thought or if it will be facts?

The reason I ask this is because ever person has an effect on other people. It is nice to know if what I say here has any relation to what people actually think or believe. It is weird how sometimes we don’t know we effect or affect people to it is too late one way or another. I like to believe and think that what I say or write has some positive benefit in people’s lives. Whether this is the case or not, it is still nice to have dreams and hopes.

A very good friend of mine wants said something that I believe bests describes my “purpose” behind what I do.

“I can not promise I will change the world, but I can promise I will spark the mind that will.”

I am not sure if they would want me “telling the world” who they are (if they do I can always add this later); but for now I will call them by the nickname I gave them. This quote was by Babys.

Everyone wants to know that they “effected” or “affected”, depending on who they are depends on which one they want to do, the world in some way or another. I, of course, have the same goal. However, I am logical enough to know that I will change peoples lives I touch one way or another. I know this based on things I have already done in my life.

Rather then ramble on, like I sometimes do, I ask you for this one favor. Pass the word on about me or at least about the blog. There are people out there who think the same way I do, who might be interested in what I have to say and I in what they have to say. I am not saying that you or anyone else is not interested, but if you enjoy anything on here, or think that anyone else might, let them know about it. You might be surprised what you learn not only about yourself, but about others too when you share your thoughts and feelings about certain things.

Next Topic: My Questions To You

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Call Me Quantum Dave

It is apparent that the more and more in depth that I become with my research into quantum physics a.k.a. quantum mechanics, the more I actually learn about myself. Quantum mechanics does not offer a clean cut and dry definition and answers to all the questions of the universe. Every time one question is answered it seems there are four times as many new answers that need answered.

During my research I have learned a lot about myself as a person; but more importantly how I, and everyone else as human beings with consciousness’, at, think, and “do what we do”. There is much more learning to be done, but I would like to share some of the things I have already come across. Perhaps this information will either inspire readers to read into this amazing subject, or at least take some own personal feedback for themselves or to at least except what I am saying and have a basic understanding. It never hurts to learn things.


Emotions run our lives. Not everyone’s life is ruled specifically by emotions, but the majority of the population bases what they do on the emotions they feel. Emotions, up until now, were inexplicable forces that people have to deal with a daily basis. We have, on average, 50,000 thoughts a day. That is roughly 2 thoughts per second, but yet we do not recall all of the thoughts we have. Now, we get into what a thought is.

A thought is a memory that your brain has. A perception of something that has either happened, is occurring, or will happen. A person usually represents an emotion with their thoughts and actions. Such as example a thought of death would make someone feel sad, angry, or even depressed. If we were to think about death all day, chances are we would become depressed and sad all the time.

It is amazing what we actually do to our minds. The more research that is being done the more it is apparent that it is not so much what we do to our bodies, but what we do to our minds. What you think has a greater effect on you then you can imagine.

Dr. Masaru Emoto, a scientific researcher, healer, and popular lecturer, has an “eye opening” theory about water. He has proved that when you “project” positive thoughts through water that the water actually takes on different forms. When you take water and you look at it through high-powered microscopes you can see the different “crystallizations” it has. When you “project” positive thoughts around, or through the waters, such as one example when he had the water blessed by a Buddhist munk, the water showed some of the most beautiful shapes ever seen. But when they portrayed the thought of, “I hate you. I want to kill you”, through the water the water changed in a very negative water. He then took this on a larger scale.

Our bodies are made up mostly of water. If bottled water changes for the better or the worse based on the things we portray to it, just think what our bodies would do. Even more proof that what we do to our mind, is worse then what we do to our bodies.

Next Topic: The Real Reality

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Here It Is

I have been doing a lot of research into what I find to be a very fascinating subject. The subject is quantum physics, or more commonly referred to as quantum mechanics. Respectively, I am focusing more on quantum mechanics and its relationship with psychology. It is very fascinating all the information that is out there about the subject. However, since the relationships are still in their earlier ages of discovery, there is still very much more to be learned.

Along with most science discoveries, there are initial theories that are “discovered” and then research and tests are done to prove one way or another. That is where quantum mechanics and its effects on psychology still stand today. There are many theories that are still in the process of being proven one way or another; but there is still a great deal of discoveries that have been made to provide a lot of wonderful, helpful, and in depth information that has been discovered.

The thing that I think to me that really makes this a fascinating discovery is the fact that there is still much more to be discovered about the subject. Also, and possibly my biggest personal motivator to learn as much as I can about it, is that they are very close to being able to prove the theories of “alternate dimensions or realities”.

They have already proven the “life-changing” effects or affects that our brain has on our own bodies. I guess to a point you could say everyone is a hypochondriac. It has been proven now that it is not what so much what we “physically” do to our bodies, but the impressions we make upon ourselves and what we think we make ourselves believe we are doing to our bodies.

For example, it has been shown that in our brains there is a “powerhouse” that creates all kinds of different chemicals and proteins that our body needs to continue and function normally. As we get older we tend to loose certain proteins in our bodies which create the beginning of wrinkles, “droopy” skin, and muscle and tissue “decaying”. In many studies it has been shown that if someone can, more or less, “believe” or convince themselves that they are not getting old and 100% without a doubt believe it, that they are able to “retain” a better physical appearance and health.

That is just the “ice cube off of the glacier” though. There is so much more to be discovered and proven one way or another. It’s funny how the majority of science that I studied while in public school has been disproved by quantum physics. (I am referring to subatomic things, such as how an atom looks, works, functions, et al.)

I leave you with this random fact that I discovered in my recent research.

“We are all made of atoms and molecules. Everything in this world is. Therefore, you and I are not only “not solid”, but we are actually 99.99% nothing!”

Next Topic: Call Me Quantum Dave

The New Job

My new job at work is interesting to say the least. It is rather unenventful and slow. What I do to pass the time is work on writing "articles" or chapters for a book I want to, no I take that back, I will publish one day. Here is my latest chapter. It is kind of long and might offend some people, but remember, I am me and this is me.

Since the beginning of time, our time from birth, we have been “pre-programmed” to see, feel, believe, and trust certain things. This is because of the current state our society is in. We have predetermined “right and wrongs”, which are not only a great mistake and incorrect, but our outdated and over 2000 years old. These views are only “reaffirmed” by organized religion which focuses on worshiping false ideals.

Now it is time for a correction of these “mystical, outdated views”. It is time for a change in “trajectory” along the path of each of our own adventures. It is time for a correction towards a new paradigm; not just a correction, but more of an expansion of the old. Just as the universe is much larger than we will ever think it is from our original models.

To start off, we have to first justify why we have these same views. The reason is no one that has ever come along, has ever given you sufficient, intelligent, knowledge about your beautiful self. There has been no explanation of how you work from the inside out. Since you were a kid, since even I was a kid, we were informed of what things were and how they were going to be.

Why do you have addictions? I am not talking only about physical addictions, but also about “addictions” to emotions, feelings, our actions, and our thoughts. The reason is you have nothing better. You have dreamt of nothing better because no one has ever taught you to dream that dream. Do I think that makes you or me bad? I don’t think that makes us bad, but I don’t think that we are good either. I think we are gods.

For the average person in the world who lives life and considers their life boring or uninspiring; is because they have made no attempt to gain knowledge and information that will inspire them. They are so “hypnotized” by their environment through the media, through television, and through people living and creating ideals that everybody struggles to become. No one can actually become these “ideals”, in terms of physical appearance and definitions of beauty and valor.

Those are all illusions, that most people surrender and live their life in mediocrity. They may live that life and their soul may never really rise to the surface. They might want to be something else. But if it does rise to the surface and they ask themselves if there is something more; why am I here; or what is the purpose of life; where am I going; what happens when I die. They start to ask themselves those questions, they start to flirt and interact with the perception that they may be having a nervous breakdown. Yet in reality, what they are doing is that their old concepts of how they viewed their life and the world, start to fall apart.

If I change my mind will I change my choices? If I change my choices will my life change? Why can’t I change? What am I addicted too? What will I loose that I am chemically attached too? What person, place, thing, time, or event that I am chemically attached too that I don’t want to loose because I may have to experience the chemical withdraw from that? Hence, the human drama.

It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power.

We must overcome these outdated, incorrect “rights and wrongs”. When people do anything in life, most think about it before they do anything. If I do this I am going to get punished by god; if I do the other thing I am going to get rewarded. This is a really poor description that tries to map out a path in life for us to follow, but with deplorable results. There really is no such thing as good or bad. We are judging things far too superficially that way.

Does that mean you are in favor of sin and depravity if you don’t agree? No. It simply means that you need to improve your expression and understanding of what you are dealing with here. There are things that I do and I know that they will evolve me. There are other things that will not evolve me. But it is not good or bad. There is no god waiting to punish you because you did one or the other.

There is no god condemning anyone. Everybody is god. At the same time, god is this sort of place holder name for those parts of our experience of the world, which are somehow transcending, somehow sublime. I have no idea what “god is”. Yet, I have an experience of what “god” really is. There is something very real about this presence called god. I have no idea how to define god or to see god as a person, or a thing. It’s kind of like asking a human being to explain what god is, is similar to asking a fish to explain the water in which the fish swims.

You are “god”. Each and every one of us is a god in the making. You have to walk this path, but someday you need to love the abstract as much as you love the condition of addiction. Remember, the only way that I will ever be great to myself is not what I do to my body, but what I do to my mind. Worshiping any other “god” other than you is blasphemy. You must take control of your own life like you have the power to do.

Next Topic: Here It Is

Monday, January 02, 2006

I Ran Out Of Room

I ran out of I have to link these blogs together. Wow...I never realized there was a limit.