Thursday, January 12, 2006

The Real Reality

I write all these blogs, all these stories, and all of these “personal views” for a reason. The reason is simple. I like to write. That is only the “tip of the iceberg”. I write for other reasons too. I want to inspire and encourage others. There are things I have discovered in my life that I believe to be true, I can prove, or others can also prove theses things to be “real” and true. Does it really matter? Does anyone read what I write and take it to “heart”, so to speak?

What about you? There is a reason you reading this right now. Why is that? What made you decide to “trust” anything I have said? Do I inspire you? Are you wondering what I am going to do next, whether it will be some new “crazy, far-out-there” thought or if it will be facts?

The reason I ask this is because ever person has an effect on other people. It is nice to know if what I say here has any relation to what people actually think or believe. It is weird how sometimes we don’t know we effect or affect people to it is too late one way or another. I like to believe and think that what I say or write has some positive benefit in people’s lives. Whether this is the case or not, it is still nice to have dreams and hopes.

A very good friend of mine wants said something that I believe bests describes my “purpose” behind what I do.

“I can not promise I will change the world, but I can promise I will spark the mind that will.”

I am not sure if they would want me “telling the world” who they are (if they do I can always add this later); but for now I will call them by the nickname I gave them. This quote was by Babys.

Everyone wants to know that they “effected” or “affected”, depending on who they are depends on which one they want to do, the world in some way or another. I, of course, have the same goal. However, I am logical enough to know that I will change peoples lives I touch one way or another. I know this based on things I have already done in my life.

Rather then ramble on, like I sometimes do, I ask you for this one favor. Pass the word on about me or at least about the blog. There are people out there who think the same way I do, who might be interested in what I have to say and I in what they have to say. I am not saying that you or anyone else is not interested, but if you enjoy anything on here, or think that anyone else might, let them know about it. You might be surprised what you learn not only about yourself, but about others too when you share your thoughts and feelings about certain things.

Next Topic: My Questions To You


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