Here It Is
I have been doing a lot of research into what I find to be a very fascinating subject. The subject is quantum physics, or more commonly referred to as quantum mechanics. Respectively, I am focusing more on quantum mechanics and its relationship with psychology. It is very fascinating all the information that is out there about the subject. However, since the relationships are still in their earlier ages of discovery, there is still very much more to be learned.
Along with most science discoveries, there are initial theories that are “discovered” and then research and tests are done to prove one way or another. That is where quantum mechanics and its effects on psychology still stand today. There are many theories that are still in the process of being proven one way or another; but there is still a great deal of discoveries that have been made to provide a lot of wonderful, helpful, and in depth information that has been discovered.
The thing that I think to me that really makes this a fascinating discovery is the fact that there is still much more to be discovered about the subject. Also, and possibly my biggest personal motivator to learn as much as I can about it, is that they are very close to being able to prove the theories of “alternate dimensions or realities”.
They have already proven the “life-changing” effects or affects that our brain has on our own bodies. I guess to a point you could say everyone is a hypochondriac. It has been proven now that it is not what so much what we “physically” do to our bodies, but the impressions we make upon ourselves and what we think we make ourselves believe we are doing to our bodies.
For example, it has been shown that in our brains there is a “powerhouse” that creates all kinds of different chemicals and proteins that our body needs to continue and function normally. As we get older we tend to loose certain proteins in our bodies which create the beginning of wrinkles, “droopy” skin, and muscle and tissue “decaying”. In many studies it has been shown that if someone can, more or less, “believe” or convince themselves that they are not getting old and 100% without a doubt believe it, that they are able to “retain” a better physical appearance and health.
That is just the “ice cube off of the glacier” though. There is so much more to be discovered and proven one way or another. It’s funny how the majority of science that I studied while in public school has been disproved by quantum physics. (I am referring to subatomic things, such as how an atom looks, works, functions, et al.)
I leave you with this random fact that I discovered in my recent research.
“We are all made of atoms and molecules. Everything in this world is. Therefore, you and I are not only “not solid”, but we are actually 99.99% nothing!”
Next Topic: Call Me Quantum Dave
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