Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Inspiration or Bullshit

You will never meet another person in life quite like me. I am "one-of-a-kind", as should be each person you should ever meet in your life. Each person you meet has good qualities and bad. It's part of life. Like they say, "One man's trash can be another man's treasure". If there is something that you don't really like about someone it does not mean that you shouldn't like them as a person. The qualities, beliefs, and things they do are what makes them "them". It is what makes me "me" and you "you". It's part of life.

The things I post on here, are what closely resembles the "true" me. They are little "pieces" of my soul being put out in the open for all to see. But we must remember, "It's not who you are underneath, it is what you do that defines you." This is true for me. What I say on here is the same as I would say in person. This is just a way of sharing my thoughts and feelings with the world. You can touch more people with the internet then with any other media today.

That is what brings us to the topic of "Inspiration or Bullshit". Everything I say, everything I do, and everything I think are true. I do not change for other people or try to portray something I am not. I am who I am. Although, with time everyone goes through changes in life. I do not change for someone else, the changes I make in my life are those I feel are necessary for me to make to become what I feel is a better person.

When I write things that may seem a little bit "out there", really "deep", or anything in between there is a point to it. The point is to "pass on" or portray things that I feel or believe to others. I will not force my opinions or beliefs down someone's throat, just the same as I would hope they would not do to me. I really enjoy having in depth, thoughtful conversations with people about things in life, death, or whatever we may want to discuss. The world is full of knowledge and good things out there for everyone to grasp.

If I can "touch one life", or change one person for the better, then I have changed the world. I end this post with a poem that I wrote back in the 8th grade, that was roughly 8 years ago for those folks who don't know how old I am. A poem that means a lot to me, not just because I wrote it; but because it is me. I live by this "poem" or quote and I think that more people should feel the same way.

If I have one life to live
Or one day in which to give,
A friendly smile, a helping hand
A mind that tries to understand.
-- David McClain 1998

Next Topic: The Boredom is Similarity


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