Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Getting Kicked When You Are Down

The story of my life, getting kicked when you are down. I have tried my best to remain more optimistic during the past couple of months, would like to remain that way for some time. I have run into yet another cycle of what I am use to now. This I consider a period of getting kicked when down.

Let's see it all started Saturday December 10th, the morning following my birthday here at the house. When leaving the house to get ready to get some food and run some errands; my car blew up less than 2 miles from my house. Luckily I had not gotten on the freeway yet, which I was just about to. Unfortunately, both my roommates were with me too. We all got to walk back to the house, after pushing the car out of traffic, in the nice 10 degree whether that Ohio offers us for half the year. This puts me in dilemma number 1 with no transportation to work, and guess what I would be starting a new job that Monday December 12th. New job and no transportation to get there, things were looking great.

Fortunately enough, I was able to get my training schedule, for the most part, to be the same as my roommate Steve, so as I could get to work with no problem and home the same. This was a plus for now. Now I had transportation to work, go me. But yet work was just as a I feared. Another pointless job that was extremely boring and not like anything I wanted to do. I will make the most of the situation because that is what I have to do. I never say I don't have any choices or any options, because there are always other options. But walking to Wendy's which is 4 miles away from where I live for $6 an hour in the middle of winter, does not sound all that much more pleasing.

Also my cell phone had decided to break on me. It was a hardware issue I had no control over. Well, I got that fixed or I thought I did until tonight. The phone is completely fried now. It won't do anything, the best part is I do not have a vehicle to go to the store to get it fixed, nor do I have chance to go to a store, because of my schedule, until sometime after the New Year begins. Now I am "phone less", but I still get to pay the bill even though I can't use it and no one can get a hold of me. But as I always say, "You will have that sometimes".

More "good news". My car was impounded by the police for being on the side of the road too long, I guess. I now lost everything in it ($1200 worth of stereo equipment, some clothes, and pictures of my family from the most recent get together which can't be replaced) and the ability to have it towed to the junk yard for some money. Since I have been working for $5.25 an hour at Donato's for the past month and my rent was already almost 2 months behind; it was no wonder I couldn't get it towed in time. Absolutely awesome. But again, that is what life is about. Ups and downs and usually more downs then ups.

As the song goes, "I will survive". I always have so far; there is no reason I would think that I won't this time. It just is another point in my life that "sucks". At least for now I will save on gas and insurance. As time goes on I wonder if this will be a never ending cycle of moving ahead in life a little, then getting shot back down. It seems as if each time I would move forward in a good way, when I fell back I fell farther than I had before. However, I was always able to regain ground and hopefully by the time it happens again, I will be overly prepared for it with all the other times it has happened.

Next Topic: I Ramble On Too Much


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