Thursday, October 20, 2005

What Next You Ask?

The biggest question on everyone's mind I know. What am I going to do next?

First, I think I need to state what I am doing now. Currently, I am "under-employed". I am still managing to pay my bills, sort of, by working at Minelli's Pizza two nights a week and helping my mother clean houses (which is what she does for a living). I am working on some school stuff to acquire some certifications I need; which include, but are not limited to an A+ Certification. I have also made up my mind about some other things that I have been debating for a little while. But that follows under "What's Next" so we will continue that now.

What's next? You read this much and still want to know? I am impressed. Okay. I am still going to work on fraXure; but in addition to that I have decided to either write a book or an advice column or forum. I think I will start with a column or forum to try to have more information for the book. The main or at least the first topic is going to be about relationships. The Do's, Dont's, What to Look For, How To Meet The Right Person, How To Open Your Eyes To Reality, and other topics I'm sure. The reason I want to write about this topic is because I have been there before, but also I have done tons of research (it can be measured in months actually) and think that there needs to be a place where people can find "sound advice" all in one place. Again, however, I would like to mention that I do not and will not claim to be an expert on anything or that I know everything; but with what I do know and what I have found out from others who know, certain things that I think will help people in their relationships. But I will keep things up to date and a link also on here so those of you who might be "obsessed" with me (which I have no problem with stalkers as long as they don't kill or kidnap me) can keep up to date.

The forum will probably be up later tonight at least on it's temporary site until my server is back up and running. But I think I am going to this post with a quote I feel best suits the things I am thinking about right now.

"People who shut their eyes to reality simply invite their own destruction."
-- James Baldwin

Next Topic: Yet Another Project


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