Thursday, November 03, 2005

Day One

Actually it is more like Day 5, but it is still the same. I will still be able to look back at this time in my life and say that is the first day or week when my life turned around for the better. Although there is always room for improvement in anyone's life, things are definetely looking up.

I started my new job officially on Monday October 31st. I am a store manager for a four chain pizza store. The pizza store is called Pizzano's Pizza. They have loctations by Polaris, on Sawmill, on Maxton Rd. (I think it is a road) in Westerville, and out in Powell where Sawmill and Powell Road meet. I, currently, am in "training" till the end of the month. Then I will have my own store. It appears they will send me to the Westerville store (which apparently has has the highest volume or does the most sales). Starting later this week, Sunday actually, I will start closing and opening stores on my own. It's a minimum 60 hour work week with one day off, but it will pay off. Although it is not neccessarily what I was trying to find when I was looking for a job; it is what I know how to do and it's about time I started making money doing just that.

I am single now too (or I have been for a couple of weeks now). Which being single always has it's ups and downs. I would have to say that, honestly right now it is probably for the better. With the "on call" type schedule I have and the minimum of 60 hours a work I will be working, it is probably a good idea to stay single for a little while. Although I might not pass up the opportunity if the right oppurtunity came along; I am not going to be "actively searching". I just don't think I would feel right with never being able to see someone I was suppose to be seeing. I know I would make time to see them, no matter what; but trying to force time into an over extended schedule would just put unneccessary strain on any relationship. It would probably also cause some lower performance or "poorer" attitudes towards work and the relationship, which is never a good thing.

I have still however managed to succeed in some other accomplishments as well. I have built another website, kept my room clean, and by tomorrow night (or Thursday night) I will have gone over 24 hours without a cigerette (wish me luck). I have wanted to quite smoking for awhile, but it never really mattered to me enough to quit. I just finally decided to. Although the next time I write in here or the next time anyones sees me I could still be smoking; but I hope and know I can stick through with it.

The website I built is a website tailored specifically to me. (Click here to see the site.) It is your "one stop shop" for me. On the site there is a brief bio about me; many details about other sites I have built or am building; and also a brief list of some of the many places you can find me online (this is the ultimate website for my stalkers). But feel free to check it out and bookmark it to keep updated with things I am doing. I know I bookmarked and I check it all the time, because sometimes I forgot what I am doing or what I am suppose to be doing. But anyway, the site is on a free server currently until I get my other computer setup to run the server. (Probably before the year is over with the way everything is going right now. I need to concentrate on the job first and foremost right now. Although I have never been "obsessed" with my job, right now to start off I need to be.)

On an ending note, I know that in a few years that I will look back at this time and I will be able to see the day, the week, or even the month my life took a 180 degree turn for the better. Not everything is perfect, but with perfection comes bordem. Of course I will end this post with a quote, something that I said and got in a heated discussion with someone about.

"Condoms are for pussies." -- Me
(Before I get any more hate messages, think very carefully about what I said. Think what it means and rememeber that I always have "safe sex with a condomn".)

Next Topic: Beggining of November Updates


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